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Ull de Perdiu
Ull de perdiu, D'ull de perdiu, Oeil de Perdrix, Setjola, Sejola
Fig Tree Setjola in Sitges ( Barcelona ) 160 feet from sea.
Fig Tree Setjola in Sitges ( Barcelona ) 160 feet from sea
It seems that for the genetic indicator is the same variety of fig tree than the Setjola.
Because there are many varieties of figs that have the eye (ostiole) of the same size and with the characteristic red color, it could happen to us that different varieties have the same name
The descriptions match with my own observations.
Very decorative tree of harmonious development with tortured trunk that remembers those of the olive trees.
Medium size to small, in poor or dry terrains. Great development in fresh and deep terrains.
Still very abundant in the Garraf's region.
It likes the calcareous terrains and it bears well the sea exposures. Medium, normally trilobular and very thick leaves, with the hems as tooth of saw.
Delicate fig of fruit half in small, among 30 and 50 gr. White yellowish skin color over greenesh background. It has thin skin, red and sweet flesh, pleasant taste, rbetter taste when it is eating with its own skin.
It matures at the end of July first of August. Good to dry even if today it is abandoned.
Setjola fig, 5-July-2007
08-April-2007 fig tree starting to sprout. Children Playpen in Sitges is good that these trees are protected and that the children familiarize with them as a part identifier of our landscape.
Setjola fig in Children Playpen in Sitges
In July, before maturing the figs they have the skin of a green greyish silvered color and they are covered with thin hairs. Now, the eye is still completely white. This allows to distinguish it from anohter varieties
An important part change to yellow color they fade and they fall in this stage.
Setjola fig, 5-July-2007
Ttrunk detail
Setjola fig, Ttrunk detail
Setjola fig, 30-July-2006
In another place, searching mature figs.
In another place, searching mature figs
Figs 6-August-2007
Ull de Perdiu, Figs 6-August-2007
Figa 3 August 2007
Ull de perdiu, Figa 3 August 2007
Ull de perdiu, 31-July-2007