Pruned fig tree
The fig tree has infested roots by nematodes and we are searching for a solution to recover it.
The chemical or biological fight to eradicate them from an infected tree, often it does not have any success. We can reduce the population but at the first favorable opportunity happens, the increase up to the previous levels will become sure.
The best solution if we possess one spare it is the elimination to avoid the contamination of the others trees.
The proposed method is when we do not have any appropriate spare
Container cut in half to support the other container
Cutting the bark to improve the rooting
First of everything a heavy pruning the fig tree is mandatory then we are covering the injuries with mastic.
The infected soil of the zone where we will try to make to root the fig tree again it must be isolated.
The rains or a mistake would infect the rooting zone again.
We must do some cut in the bark to reduce the flood of the vigor and in favoring the rooting in the zone of the injury.
We use two own containers and cuts in half to support the rooting soil.
Insulatting the contaminated container
Stones to the bottom to improve the drainage
Good luck! |
Operation over