Français LSU Purple Català
LSU Purple
Fotografia Garden Web
LSU Purple Garden WebHi ha dues raons per la que tinc aquest varietat:
Una per que algú em va dir que aquesta varietat és la que correspon a la fotografia del fòrum de Figues de Garden Web. El seu color em va captivar.
L'altre raó és per que en molts llocs és defineix com una varietat resistent els nemàtodes.
Mai no he tingut figues amb el color de la fotografia, i he pogut comprovar que aquesta figuera no és resistent els nemàtodes.
És una figuera híbrida obtinguda gràcies a les investigacions del LSU (Louisiana State University). Un dels parentals és la figuera HUNT. Arbre molt bonic amb figues d'una qualitat acceptable que poden arribar a donar tres collites

Figues del meu terrat Juliol 2008
Arbre jove
LSU Purple jove el meu terat.Descripció del LSU Estació d'Experiment Agrícola de Louisiana.
This variety (Figure 4) was introduced by the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station in 1991. The figs are medium in size (1.75-2.5 inches long); weight ranges from 20-30 grams (15-20 fruit per pound).
The fruit is long turbinate, with a distinct neck. The stalk on the fruit is about 1/2 inch long and medium in thickness.
The skin is glossy, varying from reddish to dark purple, depending on light exposure and ripeness.
LSU Purple figs check when ripe, exposing the white flesh beneath. The pulp is light strawberry when ripe. The tree appears to be fully parthenocarpic, and there are few empty seeds, or “kerfs,” in the pulp. The flavor is good, mild, not “figgy,” and the sugar content, which varies with the weather, is high in ripe fruit.
The tree is vigorous, upright growing and has above average resistance to leaf diseases. Ripe fruit of good quality may be produced on young trees even in the nursery row, whereas many common figs have a definite juvenile period of four or five years before bearing edible quality figs.
Fruit quality will improve on four- and five-year-old trees. Trees of LSU Purple five years or older show a tendency to produce three distinct crops: a light breba crop in early spring, a heavy main crop in the summer and a later crop often lasting into December. LSU Purple has poor cold resistance and is recommended only for south Louisiana. It can be grown in North Louisiana on a trial basis. LSU Purple is sometimes grown in north Louisiana where severe winter injury sometimes occurs. It does rebound well from winter freezing and kill back and will produce a crop on current year’s shoots.
Figues del meu terrat Juliol 2007
Figues del meu terrat Juliol 2007