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Noire de Caromb
Douqueira negra, Noire de Caromb, Perroquine, Perroquière, Monginenco, Violette Perruquine, Argusela, Noire de Caroub
Brevas before maturity
Caromb is a city of the Provence rich in history that belongs to department Napoleonic of Vaucluse. I do not know if theirs inhabitants are conscious of having given name to a fig. Tree of medium size to big, depend on the type of terrain.
Big leaves of 3 to 5 quite marked lobules.
Lengthened pear shape brevas, from 40 to 80 gr. Blackish fine and resistant skin of violet color. Neck of reddish color strait of a third of the total length of the fig, slightly twisted. Imperceptible stem.
Eye of medium size with pink scales that stand out softly.
Main crop
Main crop
Brevas before maturity
Brevas before maturity
Flesht of amber pink color contrasted by the whitish rose of the thick filaments of the pistils.
Little dry taste but quite sweet variety. A lot resembling in other brevas in taste and form like the Colar d'Albatera, Goina, Franciscana Mission..
The second crop of figs starts at the beginning of August.
Figs almost without neck. Color skin a lot resembling in the brevas Weight similar to that of the brevas. Much redder meat and sweeter. that that brevas.
Good to give so fresh figs or for drying.
Main crop before maturity
Main crop before maturity

This variety may be sprayed with giberelic acid to avoid the breva’s fall off.